
First Samoan Congregational Christian Church Disciples of Christ, Sacramento CA

Back Bone Youth/Sunday School

Welcome to our website! We are the First Samoan Congregational Christian Church (FSCCC) in Sacramento; a non-profit religious organization established to serve God's message through worship, praise, fellowship, Outreach programs, and serving the community.  We recently became members of the Disciples of Christ (DOC), and with their support, we were able to begin the building of our church.  Our services is in both Samoan and English so everyone will gain the same positive and inspiring experience. 


We want to extend this invitation for you to join us at any of our services, especially our Sunday worship. If you are looking for a new experience, or trying to find your "right fit", stop by and witness what we have to offer. We do not discriminate against any who seek a place of refuge; a sanctuary from hardships, or whatever burdens you may carry. Our motto is: We are all God's children...all are welcomed here!


Please enjoy our site.  Our hope is to inspire you to come out and fellowship with us and visit our new Church building, Laumua ole Olataga.  


We are always happy to meet new people - our prospective members!  Thank you and God bless!

Reverend Salesa Fa'alau and Temukisa Fa'alau (Pastoring) since July 9, 1989

Mark 16:15  “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” 

We are very blessed to have such strong-willed and courageous spiritual parents who have lead us for so many years.  Reverend and Mrs. Salesa Fa’alau have been ministering in Sacramento since 1989. Twenty five years later,  they will celebrate, along with their church members, the opening of their new Church building. The name for our Church was tossed around and debated for several weeks. In the end, we decided to call her, Laumua o le Olataga; A place of renewal, re-awakening, and strengthening one’s faith and spiritual living.

Bible Gateway's Verse of the Day

Hebrews 12:1 (Fri, 26 Jul 2024)
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,”
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Laumua ole Olataga Updates of the Church Buidling
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© First Samoan Congregational Christian Church in Sacramento